Surviving The Tucson Gem Show
If you've even considering venturing to the annual Tucson Gem Show in January and February then take a look at this post to learn more about what it is, when it is, and how to survive shopping!
Crystal Logos & Shop Branding
One of the most important things you will do with a crystal shop is choose your name, logo, and look. A crystal logo might seem like something you can just whip up, but this is CORE to your entire crystal…
Where to Sell Crystals Online
You’ve been collecting crystals and gems for years—and now you’re just about ready to dip your toes into the world of online retail. Selling crystals online can be a fun and profitable way to make use of your collection without…
Is Selling Crystals Hard?
Is selling crystals hard? This is going to be the post you don't WANT to read, but the one you NEED to read, maybe the most. I am not going to sugar coat this one. It is not to turn…
How to Start Selling Crystals
Well hello! I assume you are looking for how to go about selling crystals, minerals, rocks and more of the magic that comes out of mama Earth! You are not alone, a ton of people are looking to start a…